Supercharging your Workforce Development initiatives with a Docuseries
Virtual Event Virtual Event

INSTRUCTORS: Dan Stevens, President, WorkerBee.TV; and Dave Kanagy, CEO of Society of Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration || CREDITS: CPE 1.5 hours (NASBA Category: Specialized Knowledge) || CREDITS: CAE 1.5 hours (Subject Domain: Member and Stakeholder Engagement and Management) || FORMAT: Webinar || COST: $---


Application Connection Tools: How to Use iPass Effectively
Virtual Event Virtual Event

INSTRUCTORS: Benjamin Muscolino, President & CEO, AMS Geek; Michael Getter, Head of Technology, Corporate Legal Operations Consortium (CLOC) || CREDITS: CPE 1.5 hours (NASBA Category: Information Technology) || CREDITS: CAE 1.5 hours (Subject Domain: Operations) || FORMAT: Webinar || COST: $---
