B181: 2024 Prediction: The AI Leapfrog Year for Associations
In the last 25 years, organizations and members have connected online. In just less than a year, generative AI has transformed the way technology is being built. We predict in 2024, many associations are primed for a leapfrog kind of year, where they jump from barely using AI to making it a core part of their nondues revenue strategy. We are experiencing a software revolution where association staff, members, and industry partners will merge together in online marketplaces where business, knowledge sharing, and connection will be a seismic shift in how we “associate.”
Join the team at Qiqo (Quality-in, Quality-out) to hear how an online, association-specific marketplace can open up new possibilities for how your members connect with industry partners on their own terms.
- ● Explore the dynamics of word-of-mouth marketing and identify strategies to supercharge it.
- ● Design peer-to-peer knowledge sharing sessions for your members that require minimal pre-work, yet provide deeper engagement.
- ● Brainstorm ways to turn your association’s wealth of information into a sustained and growing body of knowledge for your members to access through AI.
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