Why You Should Build an Online Community for Your Association

Virtual Event Virtual Event

INSTRUCTORS: Sandra Nam, CEO, QiqoChat ; Lucas Ciofi, Principal and Lead Software Engineer, QiqoChat Inc., and Barbara Armentrout, Managing Partner, Mesa Group || CREDITS: CPE 1.5 hours (NASBA Category: Communications & Marketing) || CREDITS: CAE 1.5 hours (Subject Domain: Marketing & Communications) || FORMAT: Webinar || COST: $---


Volunteer Management Best Practices: 6 Key Tips

Virtual Event Virtual Event

INSTRUCTORS: Mark Lewis, CAE, CVA, Director of Membership and Projects at Raybourn Group International; and Brian Lewis, CAE, CVA, Executive Director, Raybourn Group International || CREDITS: CPE 1 hour (NASBA Category: Business Management & Organization) || CREDITS: CAE 1 hour (Subject Domain: Organizational Strategy) || FORMAT: Webinar || COST: $---
