The End of Expertise and How Associations Must Adapt
Virtual Event Virtual Event

B201 - INSTRUCTORS: Joanna M. Pineda, CEO & Chief Troublemaker, Matrix Group International, Inc.; Melanie Gottlieb, Executive Director, The American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO); and Tara Puckey, Executive Director, The Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA) || CREDITS: CPE 1 hours (NASBA Category: Business Management & Organization - Non Technical) || CREDITS: CAE 1 hours (Subject Domain: Organizational Strategy) || FORMAT: Webinar || FORMAT: Webinar || COST: $---


Implementing Accreditation Solutions in the Power Platform
Virtual Event Virtual Event

B204 - INSTRUCTOR: Chris Alechko, Chief Technology Officer, Cloudwell; and Pat McGown, CEO, Cloudwell || CREDITS: CPE 1 hour (NASBA Category: Computer Software and Applications) || CREDITS: CAE 1 hour (Subject Domain: Operations) || FORMAT: Webinar || COST: $---
