The End of Expertise and How Associations Must Adapt

Americans have grown increasingly hostile toward experts. We would rather take medical advice from a friend on Facebook than our doctor or the head of the CDC. Newspaper editorials and election endorsements no longer carry the same weight with the public. Science has become politicized and facts are debated.
Associations have long been trusted organizations for knowledge, research, and yes, political advocacy. How are associations faring in this increasingly hostile environment?
Join us for a lively discussion about the end of expertise. Our guests will discuss:
- – How industries are being disrupted by the public’s lack of trust in our institutions
- – How associations are being affected by this same trends
- – How associations are modifying their services to maintain their credibility and retain members’ trust
- – What organizations are doing to keep their organizations safe spaces for facts, open discussion, and expertise.
- Understand how cultural attitudes towards experts affect associations
- Learn ways to maintain credibility among members and the public
- Learn how associations are adapting in this environment
To Watch this Webinar on the Media Library CLICK HERE!
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