SPRING SYMPOSIUM, Washington D.C. (In-person)

IN-PERSON (FOCUS: Management | Accounting | Finance)
Association Professionals, join us in Washington, D.C. for an in-person one day only event!
Session Details
Session 1: Economic Outlook: Recession 2023? Two (2) Perspectives to Help You With Budget and Scenario Planning for Your Association/Nonprofit
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Instructors: Travis A. Allen, Senior Investment Strategist, National Managing Director at Alliance Bernstein and Santiago Alfredo Guzman, Head of Middle Market FI Sales at Santander Bank, N.A.
With the world emerging from pandemic-inflicted economic shock and continuing geopolitical turmoil, the future economic outlook of business and industry in 2023 has yet to be determined. Though economists remain divided on whether a recession will occur in the year 2023, most expect that 2023 will not be a strong year for growth. Companies may experience short-term setbacks but long-term strategies should focus on smart investments, adaptive strategies, agile operations and increased labor productivity.
In this session, the participant will gain insights from two (2) different perspectives on the Economic Outlook. Consider these different perspectives, and use those insights to help you in your budget and financial scenario planning for your Association/Nonprofit organization.
Two perspectives from:
Alliance Bernstein: After a year [2022] full of surprises, we look ahead to 2023 prepared for even more. The two “shuns”—inflation and, increasingly, recession—form the heart of our questions for the global economy and markets next year. What path will they take? And, if they do take the world by surprise, which direction seems likeliest?
Santander Bank: Growth and inflation will still be causes for concern next year; but markets are already showing signs of a comeback. We expect that confirmation of peak inflation in Q1 2023 may lead to a pause in interest rate hikes by central banks, which would set in motion the recovery process in fixed-income markets. The recovery of more cyclical assets, like equities, should get underway in H2 2023 if central banks announce lower interest rates. More than ever, it is paramount to balance a short and long-term vision when managing investments as investors should not ignore the need to be invested in real assets and in thematics related to innovation and sustainability.
- Learn about what key factors will impact the economic outlook for 2023
- Gain insight into two (2) perspectives on the economy and how that might impact your organization and the industry you serve.
- Takeaway some factors to consider as you develop your next budget and financial scenario plans.
Session 2: Building an Effective Audit Committee
11:15 AM – 12:15 PM
Instructor: Rob Eby, CPA, CGMA; Partner National Nonprofit Segment Leader, Aprio LLP
An effective audit committee can be an exempt organization’s leaders best friend. As the number and intensity of risks faced by exempt organizations grow so does the responsibilities and stress of senior leadership. Let us have our audit committees come beside leaders to create a strategic team. The audit committee can be staffed with members who have varying experience and knowledge to address the growing risks. In this course, we will discuss how to build and use the audit committee to protect and strengthen exempt organizations.
- Learn who should be on the committee.
- Learn how to develop an audit committee charter.
- Identify methods to assess risks.
- Find ways to engage the audit committee.
LUNCH – 12: 15 PM – 1:00 PM
Session 3: CFO Panel Discussion — Future Proofing the Office of the Association/Non-profit CFO
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Discussion led by: Ilana Esterrich, CFO, Planned Parenthood, PP Global, and PP Action Fund; Mary Mohney, CFO, AGU; and Brian Green, CFO, CHPA
According to the 2020 Global CEO Survey conducted by PwC, a shocking 40 percent of respondent CEOs believe their companies will no longer be economically viable after ten years if they continue with their current strategies. A stark reminder that in this rapidly advancing digital age, organizations must strive for change and transformation if they wish to survive the coming decade. The survey suggests that a multi-dimensional approach is required; one that focuses on automation and innovation while rethinking and refining business models, operations, and customer experiences. Clearly, only those who recognize their need to evolve and adapt to external factors will be able to maintain their vitality in the long run.
“Future proofing the office of the CFO” recognizes the reality that the role of the CFO has drastically evolved over the years, and will continue to do so in the future. CFOs are now seen as the CEO’s strategic business partner, equipped with an understanding not only of the company’s budget but also the economics of trends occurring in their field, giving them unique insight and enabling them to create business value and fuel transformation.
Today’s CFO is just as much the organization’s Chief Transformation and Risk Officer, as it is evident that their abilities go far beyond merely crunching numbers. With this newfound responsibility bestowed upon them, CFOs have become increasingly important figures in leading their organization towards successful transformations.
In this panel discussion, you will learn how 3 CFOs of leading Associations/Nonprofits are working towards future-proofing their role and their organization.
- Learn about the evolving role of the CFO in transforming the organizations that they help to lead.
- Gain insight into how CFO’s are focusing on automation and innovation
- Learn how CFOs are functioning as the Chief Transformation and Chief Risk Officer of the organization.
Note: The below button is for IN-PERSON!
As a CAE Approved Provider educational program related to the CAE exam content outline, this program may be applied for CAE credits toward your CAE application or renewal of professional development requirements.
U.S Transactions Corp. is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.NASBARegistry.org.
In accordance with the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, CPE credits have been granted based on a 50-minute hour.
(National Registry Sponsor Nr: 138278)