W363: Seemingly Limitless, Unapologetic, Member Resources — Expand Your Content’s Reach and Elevate Your Brand

Your organization has curated knowledge, gathered over many years, in the form of text, PDFs, white papers, videos, products… Put this content to work — retaining the members you’ve got and attracting prospects not yet in the fold. Many organizations do a poor job showcasing all of the good “stuff” in their arsenal — join us to discuss our best tips and advice for ‘getting it all out there’ in a dynamic and engaging ways which will keep ’em coming back again and again.
- Learn the distinction of having well written/SEO-friendly (another session) and discoverable/organized (this session) content.
- Learn how content visualizations can ‘up’ your engagement game and drive discovery across all your bases of knowledge.
- Learn tips for understanding what your “customers” want and to ensure you’re delivering the right content to the right people at the right time.
As a CAE Approved Provider educational program related to the CAE exam content outline, this program may be applied for CAE credits toward your CAE application or renewal of professional development requirements.
U.S Transactions Corp. is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.NASBARegistry.org.
In accordance with the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, CPE credits have been granted based on a 50-minute hour.
(National Registry Sponsor Nr: 138278)