How Open Access Will Affect Your Journal Strategy and Revenue

In August 2022, the White House issued a directive that all US taxpayer-funded research must be publicly available by December 31, 2025. For many associations, members consider access to the association journals to be one of the top benefits of membership. In addition, many organizations derive a significant portion of their revenue from journal licensing royalties and subscription fees.
Who is affected by this directive? What does this mean for organizations that have a journal featuring research that is taxpayer-funded? What does this mean for organizations that generate non-dues revenue from their journals?
Learn from experienced association executives who have journals where the research that is featured is publicly funded. Hear how their journal strategy is changing as a result of the White House directive and what models they are exploring to support researchers and to continue generating non-dues revenue from their journals.
Analyze the White House directive on open access, including what it is, who is affected, how it impacts associations, and the timeline for implementation.
Investigate the new business models associations are exploring for life post-open access.
Examine the processes organizations use to develop new member benefits and generate non-dues revenue.
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