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How to Improve Event Engagement in Organizations

April 21, 2022 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EDT

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The event landscape has totally changed. Many event planners are finding it challenging to reach the same levels of attendance and engagement at their live events as they did in the pre-pandemic world. That’s because event attendees’ expectations have totally changed. In today’s world, event planners must innovate and offer attendees unique, fun and memorable experiences in order to achieve the same impact. And, ensuring the engagement continues long after the event is over is paramount. With video, organizations are achieving these goals. 

Join Joel Resnik, co-founder and Chief Revenue Officer at Gather Voices, Drew Holmgreen, Vice President of Brand Engagement at Meeting Professionals International, and Erica Kingler, Senior Director of Marketing from the Association for Accessible Medicines, to explore real world examples of how organizations are using authentic video content from real people to maximize the impact of their live events.

  • Summarize the process of gathering, building, and publishing user-generated content before, during and after live events.
  • Assess the organization’s strategic initiatives to identify areas of opportunity to include more authentic video content co-created with members who attend your events.
  • Design a request for user-generated video content and identify execution tactics to use at the event.
Level Beginner
NASBA (Field of Study) Computer Software and Applications
CAE (Subject Domain) Member and Stakeholder Engagement and Management
Prerequisites and advance preparation needed No prerequisite knowledge is required to be successful in this course. No advance preparation is required.
Reviewer Wade Tetsuka, CPA
CPE/CAE Credits 1.5
Cost Free
Delivery Group Internet Based

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Joel Resnik
Co-Founder & Chief Revenue Officer, Gather Voices
Joel Resnik is the co-founder and CRO of Gather Voices, a technology company that automates the creation, management and publishing of co-created video content. Throughout…
Drew Holmgreen
Vice President of Brand Engagement, Meeting Professionals International
Drew has a B.A. in Advertising from the University of Texas at Austin and started his career at McCann-Erickson Southwest working in new business and…
Erica Klinger
Senior Director of Marketing, Association for Accessible Medicines
Erica Klinger is the Senior Director of Marketing at the Association for Accessible Medicines, the advocacy arm of the generics and biosimilars industry, where she…