N102: PCI Compliance Workshop for NetSuite

Group Internet-Based

NetSuite Users:  You are not sure that your organization is PCI compliant, or you want to be sure you know the latest information to ensure…

N112: Best Budgeting Practices – Beginning to End

Group Internet-Based

This course will review the best practices for establishing corporate wide budgets, forecasting, controlling and monitoring budgets. We will also review budgeting products with a…

How to Use Data to Find a New Revenue Opportunity

Group Internet-Based

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand the top 5 areas to analyze right now to find new revenue opportunities. We will show you how to understand your sales…

The New Netforum Cloud: Key Features of The Platform

Group Internet-Based

The New NetForum Cloud and Microsoft Azure Microsoft Azure has become  the “enterprise cloud” used by 95% of the Fortune 500 because it offers sophisticated…

W208: Secrets of Successful Awards Programs

Group Internet-Based

There are two kinds of awards programs out there: successful ones and … not so successful ones. Some programs seem to have found the secret…

Unrelated Business Income Tax Guidelines for Nonprofits

Group Internet-Based

COVID19 presents significant challenges for executives leading non-profit organizations. One of the greatest of these is the magnitude of the overall financial impact. As membership…

W213: Are You Truly Agile? Exploring Agile Values and Principles

Group Internet-Based

INSTRUCTOR: Richard Cheng, VP of Training, Chief Product Owner, NextUp Solutions || CREDITS: CPE 1.5 hours (NASBA Category: Business Management & Organization) || CREDITS: CAE 1.5 hours (Subject Domain: Organizational Strategy) || COST: $---

Adventure Leadership: A Unique Approach to Leadership

Group Internet-Based

Instructor: Antarctic Mike (Mike Pierce), Author, Keynote Speaker || 1.5 CAE/CPE Credits || CAE Subject domain: Executive Leadership || NASBA Category: Business Management and Organization || COST: $--

How to Drive Performance Growth in Your Organization

Group Internet-Based

INSTRUCTOR: Don Schmincke, Author and Speaker, Saga Leadership || CREDITS: CPE 1.5 hours (NASBA Category: Management & Organization) || CREDITS: CAE 1.5 hours (Subject Domain: Executive Leadership) || COST: $--

How to Retain Employees During the Great Resignation: 7 Key Tips

Group Internet-Based

INSTRUCTOR: Lori Zoss Kraska, MBA, CFRE, Founder and Chief Principal, Growth Owl, LLC || CREDITS: CPE 1.5 hours (NASBA Category: Business Management & Organization) || CREDITS: CAE 1.5 hours (Subject Domain: Strategic Management & Administration) || COST: $---

Future Digital Marketing Trends | Top Marketing Tactics to Implement

Group Internet-Based

INSTRUCTORS: Alfred McKelvy, Sr. Director, Strategic Partnerships at Multiview; Michael Candela, EVP, Strategic Partnerships at Multiview || CREDITS: CPE 1.5 hours (NASBA Category: Communications & Marketing) || CREDITS: CAE 1.5 hours (Domain: Marketing & Communications) || COST: $---

W218: 15 Ways to Take Your Newsletter to the Next Level

Group Internet-Based

INSTRUCTOR: Erica Salm Rench, Director of Client and Market Success, rasa.io || CREDITS: CPE 1.5 hours (NASBA Category: Specialized Knowledge) || CREDITS: CAE 1.5 hours (Domain: Member and Stakeholder Engagement and Management) || COST: $--

Cyber Insurance Market: Issues and Insurance Implications

Group Internet-Based

INSTRUCTOR: James Marquis, Chief Innovation Officer, 501Works (Moderator); Derek S. Symer,
Partner, AHT Insurance; Dave Fitzsimmons, Sr. Vice President of Finance and Administration, National Association of Chain Drug Stores; Rich Gatz, Claims Counsel, Coalition, Inc. || CREDITS: CPE 1.5 hours (NASBA Category: Information Technology) || CREDITS: CAE 1.5 hours (Subject Domain: Operations) || COST: $---

Best Budgeting System to Implement for Your Organization

Group Internet-Based

INSTRUCTOR: A. Michael Gellman, CPA, CGMA, Co-Founder at Sustainability Education 4 Nonprofits; Paul Preziotti, Partner, Johnson Lambert LLP || CREDITS: CPE 1.5 hours (NASBA Category: Finance Technical) || CREDITS: CAE 1.5 hours (Subject Domain: Organizational Strategy) || COST: $---

Year-end Close Checklist: Closing Out Your Fiscal Year Effectively

Group Internet-Based

INSTRUCTORS: Gerardo Martinez, Accounting Consultant, The McKelvey Group, Inc.; Traci Vagnucci, Controller, The McKelvey Group || CREDITS: CPE 1.5 hours (NASBA Category: Finance - Technical) || CREDITS: CAE 1.5 hours (Domain: Operations) || COST: $--